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Holiday Cold Sore Triggers

Tis the season for sugar laced goodies and cocktails galore, with a sprinkle of nuts and handful of salt, with a shot full of caffeine tied in a bright shiny sore! 

Tis the season for sugar laced goodies and cocktails galore, with a sprinkle of nuts and handful of salt, with a shot full of caffeine tied in a bright shiny sore! Wait, bright shiny sore….cold sore that is! Let’s not forget the frigid temperature changes, disrupted sleep of those sugar plum fairies and the stress of the big fat man in a red suit on your back that has you promising to deliver all sorts of toys to cute little girls and little boys. The budget gets stretched, you get so tired, the inevitable of holiday stress is upon you. The combination of the holiday cheer mixed with the sweet treats can be the perfect storm for the cold sore grinch to sneak in and plant one on you.

Knowledge is power, right? Let’s talk about trigger foods and drinks that could be stirring up potential potions depending on your body chemistry that could make a cold sore erupt this time of year!

Grape Juice

Grape juice is a staple at many holiday tables, as it’s adult counterpart is an adult favorite…! Grapes are rich in Arginine, an amino acid that triggers the herpes virus outbreak. Then there’s all the sugar in grape juice and wine, which contributes to the outbreak or make an existing cold sore worse.


No, we’re not talking about your crazy uncle who wants to talk politics, we’re talking about almonds, peanuts, and walnuts. Nuts are hidden in a lot of the holiday baked goods and can cause cold sore sufferers a world of hurt. Pay attention and ask questions before you take a bite this year.


We know, we know. This one hurts the most, considering the world becomes Willy Wonka’s chocolate delight, it’s everywhere. Chocolate is also rich in Arginine, which means it won’t do your cold sores any favors. If you’re already suffering from an outbreak, steer clear.


If chocolate and nuts are difficult to avoid this time of year, wheat is downright IMPOSSIBLE! Wheat – in it’s whole grain form – will aggravate your cold sores. It’s sounds counter intuitive because all these health shows show us how wheat is better then white or processed, but not if you’re a cold sore sufferer.


Too much caffeine can rile up an outbreak. You could be OK, with your morning coffee routine, but if you start to realize that extra cup in the afternoon or extra soda between meals is leading to an outbreak, change your routine.

This is just a list of common food and drink you see around the holidays. You have to listen to your body too. Start writing down what you ate or drank a week leading up to the outbreak, pay attention to what was going on in your life, start really tuning into what your triggers are that may be leading to your outbreaks. Of course it’s not always predictable, but if you start really paying attention you may start seeing the pattern.

We would love to hear from you? Did one of your triggers make the list? If not, tell us what causes your outbreaks. E-mail us at
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